In today’s world, where staying connected is crucial for businesses and individuals alike, having a reliable network is of utmost importance. But with so many different cable options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which one is the best fit for your needs. In this blog post, we’ll explore two popular types of cables – air blow cable/ air blown cable and traditional cable – and help you determine which one will work best for you.

What is an air blow cable/ air blown cable?

An air blown cable, also known as an air blow cable, is a type of cable that uses compressed air or gas to create a tight connection between two devices. This type of cable is often preferred over traditional cables because it is less likely to suffer from kinks or breaks.

Air blown cables/ air blown cables are frequently utilized in data centers and telecommunications applications because they offer a fast, dependable connection for phone, data, and video communications. They also serve as communication signals for operational and signaling requirements in transportation systems like railways and highways.

How does an air blow cable/ air blown cable work?

Instead of being pulled through ducts or conduits using traditional cable installation methods, the air blow cable/ air blown cable uses a blowing head and specialized equipment to propel the cable through the duct or conduit at high speeds. The cable is typically pre-terminated and comes in short sections called “cassette modules,” which can be joined together using connectors during installation.

Comparison between the air blow cable/ air blown cable and traditional cable

There are some significant distinctions between the installation of air blow cable/ air blown cable and conventional cable. The primary points of comparison are as follows:


– Installation speed: Because pre-terminated cassette modules may be blown through the duct or conduit at high speeds, air blow cable/ air blown cable installation often takes less time than traditional cable installation.


Flexibility: Traditional cable typically comes in lengthy, continuous lengths that might be challenging to bend around corners or around obstructions inside a duct or conduit. Air blow cable/ air blow cable, on the other hand, is frequently offered in compact cassette modules that may readily pass over tricky terrain.


– Distance: Unlike traditional cable, which may require additional support structures or intermediate splices for long-distance lines, air blown cable can be put over greater lengths.


– Maintenance: Since individual cassette modules can be added to or withdrawn from the line as needed, air blow cable/ air blown cable enables simple maintenance and upgrading. In contrast, upgrading or making repairs to traditional cable may require cutting and splicing.


– Price: Due to the specialist equipment needed for installation, air blown cable may initially cost more. However, it can end up being a more affordable choice in the long term because of the quicker installation timelines and decreased maintenance expenses over time.



When it comes to networking, many people feel that the best way to get connected is with a traditional cable. However, this may not always be the case. There are now air-blown cables on the market that can offer higher speeds and quality of service than traditional cables but without all of the hassle. If you’re looking for an easy and effortless way to connect your devices to a high-speed network, air blow cables/ air blown cables from Fibercan may be your perfect option. So what are you waiting for? Contact us today!